If you’re looking to move house, there’s an important date to mark in your calendar – Monday, 31st March 2025. This is the day that the current stamp duty relief will end and thresholds will change in England and Northern Ireland.
It’s important to note that changes are coming to stamp duty very soon for those buying in England and Northern Ireland, changing the amount of relief available to first-time buyers.
Seeking some interior design inspiration for your new build home? Here’s seven easy decorating hacks to help you stamp your personal style on your living spaces.
In Labour’s first Budget since taking office, the Chancellor announced her plans to fix the so-called ‘black hole’ in the UK’s public finances and increase investment in public services, setting out £40 billion worth of tax rises.
As more UK lenders introduce mortgage products below 4%, our mortgage experts offer their take on where the best fixed-rate mortgage deals can be found right now and who stands to benefit.
How long could you survive if your income vanished? With the average UK household just 19 days from the breadline, we look at what you can do today to improve your financial resilience.
Which would you prefer… a guaranteed portion of your monthly salary for the rest of your working life or a one-off lump sum of tax-free cash in your account?
Struggling to find affordable accident and sickness insurance? This multi-tiered policy offers you protection for the whole family, starting at just £9 a month.
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